I've been having thoughts lately on faith and faithfulness. Habakkuk, an Old Testament prophet, says that the just shall live by faith (or faithfulness).
If the level of faith stayed the same throughout life, there would be one big jump to faith, and then we could just keep that level the same. It wouldn't be too hard. Most people can do that.
In my life, however, it seems that God keeps upping the level. If I thought that He was unfair in this, I would have resentment initially, then I would just drop out. If God were a man, He would be impossible to please. I have a problem with people like that. They're never happy with what you've accomplished. They look at your latest completed project and yawn and say, "That's nice. Now let's go on to the next big thing." They are never happy or appreciative. They are just demanding.
As I said, if God were a man, that's what He would be like. However, His purposes are not the same as ours. When He asks me to take a bigger step of faith than the last one, it is something He helps me do. If my faith were in myself, having bigger faith would really be an impossible walk on the water. But since I know that my faith is in Him, and that He does not change, all I have to do is to look back upon the past times in which He was faithful. After all, He is the One who breathed out the stars.
How can a birth in Lebanon be difficult for Him?
I am looking at the countdown until I leave for Lebanon. I leave on February 5, so that is now less than three weeks. It is nineteen days. Everyone is doing well, but the unknown is...well, unknown. And there is no one who can tell us what is coming. So, for now, we rely on Who He is. Who He has been in the past. And we know that He is good. And that He loves us. And so we take Him by the hand and say, "Lead on, o loving One. Take me down the road. Just don't let go of my hand. I need you more than words can say. And if You don't lead, I will die."
8 of the Common Misperceptions About Dementia
2 years ago
We can't even begin to imagine how mighty our God is. With each new challenge we are reminded how unworthy we are of His grace. But, as you mentioned, thankfully God is not a man, and He never challenges us with something we cannot handle. He raises the bar so you can grow in Him and for His glory. That's just awesome! At the end of the day, it's all done for His glory.
I love you, and I love the God brought us together. I love hearing about the journey that God has you on. It takes loads of faith, but you are a very strong woman. I love you and will be praying for you and your coming journey.
Thank you so much, Julie, for your love and your prayers. You're like my third daughter!
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