Friday, December 5, 2008


Hi all! This morning Rachael wanted we walked a quarter of a mile to the beach!!! Gilbert had new flipflops that kept falling off his feet, so Jan finally took them off him and carried him. Fun!

There were two fishermen sitting in their canoe mending their nets. That is age-old, I thought. I took a picture of myself like the teenagers do, just holding the camera out at arm's length and clicking. Not bad, really.

There really is no surf on the west side of the island. The water is warm. Rachael takes off, swimming. I recall how she was a lifeguard for several years as an adolescent. She's already working on teaching Gilbert how to swim. He loves to splash anyone, but has the most fun splashing his Baba, his Daddy.

Jan has fun videotaping the several children that congregate and are playing on the beach. We find two starfish that are already dead and on the sand. I do my usual, looking for seashells, however plain they may be. They are mementos. I love seashells, and take some from every beach I visit. I love the beach. I love the beach.

We see a little jellyfish. And we have to warn Gilbert not to touch it. I'm grateful it doesn't touch me!

Tomorrow Bob's mother and her adopted granddaughter will come from the mainland. It will be good for Gilbert to see his Bibi.

It has rained again today. I learn that we are in the rainy season. It definitely makes sense. It has rained every day we've been here.

I can access my emails now. I have a ticket for Lebanon!!!!! And I can read emails from people I haven't seen or heard from in several years -- James Thompson and Josh and Abigail Ransom. I feel that God loves me. He indeed is full of compassion and lovingkindness. I read this both in Psalm 86 and in Joel 2. That is my Word for today.

Moanaherri, the housegirl for the Gwassa's, has a bad burn on her foot. I take my St. John's Wort oil and put it on the burn. I hope it will help. Bob says he will tell her it is pork oil. Oh boy.

Gilbert said a new word today. He was sitting at the table eating lunch with us, and suddenly said, "Wow!" I know he learned it from me or Jan. That's what Rachael and Bob said. And I think it's probably from Jan...It was so cute.

Love to all.

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