Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome, Baby!!!!

Baby Wilberforce Ivan Gwassa arrived very quietly at 7:21 pm in MBwene, Zanzibar Island, Tanzania!!

We rejoice with his coming. Thank you, Lord, for a normal birth. Rachael began her labor this morning at about 10 am. She pushed for 17 minutes, and he was born in the water, all 7 pounds, 13 ounces of him! He is 20 and 1/4 inches long. He has less hair than Gilbert did, and his face is rounder. Gilbert came into the room as soon as his brother was born, and very quietly admired him.

Rachael is recovering now. Please pray for a speedy recovery. We are admiring him as he sucks his thumb. Bob has gone for something to eat, Jan is holding and rocking the baby, and I'm through....

Praise the Lord!!! He is good.

I have tried to post a picture, but am not able. I will try to post a picture on my facebook.

1 comment:

jamieswife said...

Praise God that you were able to be there for Bob & Rachel. I love you & will be praying for them & your safe journey home.