Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just another day

Today we saw some of Stonetown, where we are staying. We visited the Anglican church and saw the old Arab fort, went into a holding cell for slaves, saw the boats and the harbor, and then went out to eat.

I ordered kingfish and plantain, and then shared a dessert with Jan that was a date cake with a wonderful creamy sauce. And fresh pineapple juice. I am enjoying Rachael's cooking, too.

Today Bob went to the market for groceries, carrying home baskets of oranges, coconuts, sweet potato greens, carrots, onions, potatoes that were still damp from just being dug, fresh beef wrapped in newspaper, cabbage, and I'm probably forgetting something. Rachael fixed us cassava and sweet potato greens for lunch. It was so good. Gilbert ate a double portion.

Gilbert played in the water outside today. He got soaking wet, then put some water in a bucket and brought it inside to get the inside of the house wet, too!

Rachael washed all the baby clothes and diapers and wipes that we brought for her. Jan accused her of nesting, but Rachael denied it.

It rained again today. So far it has rained every day that we've been here.

Oh, by the way, if you are emailing me, I cannot seem to get to my email. The server times out. So I apologize, to all of you who are wondering why I'm not responding.

My facial skin is still burning. I don't know what I'm reacting to, but I think I will stop taking the antibiotic I brought against malaria. I may be having an allergic reaction to it.

Looking forward to the baby, but enjoying just being with Bob and Rachael...

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